出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Instructing Social Studies (IPS) going on in the school recently is often conducted conventionally, merely focused on page sequence on text book, it does not notice its content cohesiveness. Instructional material of Social Studies (IPS), that should, be explained by medium is merely committed., it makes instructional activity mere rely on teacher explanation. It makes instructional activity less effective, students feel difficulty when they want to comprehend the content. This research method and developing uses Borg and Gall model by taking material from Field Laboratory of FIS, in the south slope of Kelud Mt. in Blitar regency. This research and developing research shows that if multimedia product developed gains good testing result of product based on conspicuousness aspect gains 3.6 score or 89%, efficiency aspect 3.3 or 82%, and effective aspect 3.4 or 85%. While total average of final test of product gains 3.4 or 85%. From mentioned result, instructional multimedia of Social Studies (IPS) can be developed well, effectively, efficiently, and appropriate used as instructional medium of Social Studies in junior high school (IPS SMP). It is not surprising if students response when instructional activity is going on is extremely interested. When a teacher explains instructional material by multimedia, students can be discipline, active to ask, and respond. Keywords: Multimedia, Interactive, Kelud