出版社:Department of General Linguistics, University of Stellenbosch
摘要:This special issue on the theme of language, gender and sexuality in South Africa does not emerge in an academic vacuum. It is the continuation of a long-standing academic dialogue which has played out, inter alia, in two issues of the journal Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies dedicated to "gender and language" (de Kadt 2002), and "language and gender" (Reddy and de Kadt 2006), respectively1, as well as in a recent edited collection entitled Gender and Language in Sub-Saharan Africa: Tradition, Struggle and Change (Atanga, Ellece, Litosseliti and Sunderland 2013). In contrast, this special issue seeks explicitly to foreground sexuality as a category of investigation in its own right alongside gender. Of course, this is not to say that previous scholarship has ignored sexuality - quite the contrary (see e.g. Reddy (2002) onhomophobia in Southern Africa, and Reddy and Potgieter (2006) on the Zuma rape trial). Yet it is striking how analyses of language and sexuality have generally been framed under the umbrella titles of "language and gender"/"gender and language".