摘要:This paper explores the Digital Economy of Toffler's so-called Third (Information Age) and Fourth Waves (Bio- Technological Wave).' It studies the evolution of information technology (IT) and explores its growth from back-room, cost-cutting and efficiency measure to its becoming a strategic imperative, especially through IT's reengineering of the ways of doing business. In this, it also becomes the most significant driver of radical change. Its influence on and relevance to reengineering are discussed. In this paper, the evolution of IT and its two dimensions are specifically addressed in this regard. An information delivery matrix is developed, highlighting the evolutionary IT needs of business, from office automation to business intelligence and data mining. A value chain of data/information is proposed. The paper also addresses the differences between the demand (information systems or IS) and supply (information technology or IT) sides of information, the resultant leadership roles of each, as well as the difference between strategic and operational informational issues.