摘要:Background Physicians in both Western and Eastern countries are being confronted by changes in health care delivery systems and medical professionalism values. The traditional concept of “In-Sul” (benevolent art) and the modern history of South Korea have led to cultural differences between South Korea and other countries in conceptualizing medical professionalism; thus, we studied medical students’ perceptions of professionalism as described in essays written on this topic. Methods In 2014, we asked 109 first-year medical students who were enrolled in a compulsory ethics course to anonymously write a description of an instance of medical professionalism that they had witnessed, as well as reflecting on their own professional context. We then processed 105 valid essays using thematic content analysis with computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software. Results Thematic analysis of the students’ essays revealed two core aspects of professionalism in South Korea, one focused on respect for patients and the other on physicians’ accountability. The most common theme regarding physician–patient relationships was trust. By contrast, distributive justice was thought to be a non-essential aspect of professionalism. Conclusions In Western countries, physicians tend to promote justice in the health care system, including fair distribution of medical resources; however, we found that medical students in South Korea were more inclined to emphasize doctors’ relationships with patients. Medical educators should develop curricular interventions regarding medical professionalism to meet the legitimate needs of patients in their own culture. Because professionalism is a dynamic construct of culture, medical educators should reaffirm cultural context-specific definitions of professionalism for development of associated curricula.
关键词:Professionalism ; Medical students ; Medical education ; Korea ; Cultural differences ; Curriculum development