摘要:Motor and mixed nerve conduction velocities (MCV and MNCV) of the tail nerve were measured in rats administered foods containing 1% or 5% lead acetate during 28 weeks (from 8 to 36 weeks of age) of lead acetate administration and over a period of 20 weeks after the administration (from 36 to 56 weeks of age) The results were as follows: 1) No significant differences of peripheral nerve conduction velocity (NCV) were found between the 1% lead acetate group and the control group. 2) Compared with the control group, the 5% lead acetate group showed a significant decrease in both MCV and MNCV, with the difference being larger for MNCV. 3) Lead concentrations in blood were 4-24μg/100g in the control group, about 50μg/100g in the 1% lead acetate group and more than 100μg/100g in the 5% lead acetate group. 4) At 4 weeks after the cessation of lead administration, no difference of NCV was found between the 5% lead acetate group and the control group.