摘要:Acute toxicity of grayanotoxin (GTX) III on total protein and electrophoresis fractions in rat serum was studied. To evaluate the effect of GTX III on rats, 0.8 or 2.8mg/kg was injected and biochemicals in rat sera were examined. From 1 hour after the injection, hyperproteinemia appeared with increase of total protein and albumin in serum, possibly due to the dehydration. Electrophoresis of the proteins showed an increase of α1-globulin and a decrease of γ-globulin. The protein abnormalities revealed by the electrophoretic patterns were of a typical acute stress type caused by abrupt dysfunction of the homeostatic eqilibrium. GTX III also caused an increase in the serum activities of guanase and alanine aminotransferase, which are enzymes mainly contained in rat liver. These results showed the acute toxicity of GTX III to include hypreproteinemia by dehydration, the changes of globulins, and liberation of liver enzymes such as guanase and alanine aminotransferase.