摘要:In our previous report (Ashizawa and Kumakura, 1998), we summarized the specific character of anthropometric surveys reported by organizations associated with the Japanese Ministries of International Trade and Industry, of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, and of Public Welfare. We also pointed out the scarcity of data on infants, covering many measurements and showing their usefulness as a standard not only to applied anthropology and ergonomics but also to human biology and auxology. Only one report from the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, meets the necessary conditions, i.e., covering a sufficient number of subjects and measurements. However, we had noted a major contradiction between the description of the method of age determination of the subjects and the age groups presented in the tables. Examining the raw data, we could verify that the age determination had not been executed according to the international standard although the description, and therefore that the statistical results in this report is misleading. In order to correct the results, we calculated first of all individual decimal age for the subjects under age 6, of which only the birth date and examination date were recorded. Then we recalculated all the measurements of these subjects according to the necessary procedure described in our first report, in which we offered mean and standard deviation of weight, heights, foot length, and skinfolds of each decimal age group. In the present report we offer mean and SD of 9 circumferences and 10 special measurements specific to the clothing industry. The original data had been taken on the right side of the body by college teachers and assistants in sewing and clothing sciences in 1978-1981 in 17 regions of Japan. Special measurements and measuring points which are not familiar to anthropologists are also presented in the tables. Definitions of these points are given as follows: Shoulder point: the intersecting point of the shoulder base line and a vertical line dividing equally the antero-posterior depth of the uppermost part of the arm. The shoulder base line is defined by a thin elastic cord surrounding the upper arm-shoulder border. Wrist point: the center point on the ulnar head. Neck side point: the intersecting point of the neck base line and the anterior edge of the trapezius muscle. The neck base line is defined by surrounding the base of the neck with a thin chain. The reason for indicating “standing or supine” position in the tables is that, in the original report, although “supine” is indicated for infants (pp. 55-56) and “standing” for kindergarden children (p. 71), no such distinction was made in the statistical tables. Therefore we can interprete this to mean only that subjects capable of standing were measured in the standing position and those incapable of standing in the supine position, with the results then having been combined in the tables without regard for this distinction.
关键词:Anthropometry;身体測定値;Japanese babies and small children;日本人乳幼児;circumferences;周径;measurements for clothing industry;衣服項目