摘要:The enzymatic analysis of cyanogenic glycosides by using a Conway's microdiffusional apparatus was applied to some processed foodstuffs. For their application to the foodstuffs containing organic acids or ethanol, effects of pH and ethanol content on hydrolysis with β-glucosidases such as linamarase and almond emulsin were investigated. The optimum pH of the hydrolysis was between 5-6, and the hydrolysis was not carried out completely below 3.5. In addition, the ethanol content below 10% gave no influence on the hydrolysis. The preparation for a test solution was modified as follows ; 30 ml of 0.01 N NaOH solution was added to 10 g of sample, and after homogenizing the mixture, adjusting the pH to 5-6, the mixture was made up to 100 ml with sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.2). By the proposed preparation method, the recoveries of linamarin and amygdalin added to bean paste, pickled ume (Prunus nume SIEB. et Zucc), ume liquor at levels of 1-400μg/g of cyanide were in the range of 89-99% and the detection limit was 1μg/g of sample. This method was applied to 11 kinds of commercial foods, and total cyanide detected in the range of 1-598μg/g. It is concluded that this modified method was widely applicable for the analysis of cyanogenic glycosides in foods.