摘要:A simulation test method was developed to study biodegradation of chemical compounds by monitoring the decrease in total organic carbon (TOC) of a test medium during incubation with river water microorganisms. Artificial river water containing the test chemical as the sole carbon source with 20 ppm of carbon was used as the growth medium and river water microorganisms which were trapped by membrane filtration (0.45 um) were dispersed in the medium by sonication. The test medium was incubated for 28 d with shaking in the dark. Samples were drawn periodically and biodegradation was determined by measuring the remaining TOC. Biodegradation of 13 chemicals was studied by this TOC die-away method and compared these results with that of cultivation method which was reported earlier. The change in dominating populations during incubation was found to depend significantly on the test chemical when their colony morphology was examined periodically.
关键词:microorganism;biodegradation;total organic carbon;river die-away;simulation;river water