摘要:The toxic effect of a trace amount of inhaled cadmium oxide (CdO) dust on bone collagen metabolism in workers who were employed in a Ni-Cd battery plant (Cd-workers) was investigated by measuring the urinary excretion levels of hydroxylysine glycosides (Hyl-Gs) and hydroxylysylpyridinoline (Pyr) as bone collagen metabolites. Urinary Cd levels in the Cd-workers were apparently higher than control levels, but urinary β2-microglobulin levels were within control levels. There was no statistically significant difference between the urinary Hyl-Gs levels of the Cd-workers and those of age-adjusted controls who were not engaged in Ni-Cd battery making at the same plant. The urinary Pyr levels of the Cd-workers, however, were slightly higher than age-adjusted control levels, but statistical significance was not observed except for those in their forties. These results suggest that inhaled CdO dust is involved in osseous collagen metabolism in some way, especially in bone resorption.