摘要:Method for the measurement of cleaning effects of automatic dish-washers has been investigated. The mothod consists of measurement of residual fat and paste. The points of this method were as follows. (1) On the test of residual fat. As quantitative correlation had been ascertained between residual fat and oilred, residual fat was determined by means of the determination of residual oilred on the tablewares. The determination was carried out after mixture of tallow and oilred was painted on the tablewares and washed. (2) On the test of residual paste. For the convenience of determination, CMC was used as paste material and sodium polyacrylate was added to increase the CMC viscosity. This paste was painted on the tablewares and washed. The residual CMC was determined by the reaction with chromotropic acid. The method was applied to the various automatic dish-washers and found to be useful.