摘要:Nash reported that HCHO reacted with acetylacetone in the presence of excess ammonia to produce 3, 5-diacetyl-1, 4-dihydrolutidine (DDL). The joint commitee of Association of British Chemical Manufactures and Society for Analytical Chemistry proposed DDL-colorimetry as a standard for detection of HCHO in effluent water. The authors investigated further on DDL-colorimetry and obtained the following results. After 20 min. at 60° and pH 6.5 the coloration of DDL formed was maximum. The color of DDL-solution was stable for 72 hr. in a sealed container and able to be determined spectrophotometrically at 425 mμ when 1∼8 ppm. of HCHO was present. Coexistence of H2S with HCHO in effluent water inhibited the formation of DDL, but the addition of zinc acetate solution at the time of distillation could remove this disturbance. By distillation repeated three times with addition of water 100 % of HCHO in effluent water was recoverable.