摘要:COD values of the standard substances and effluent treated human excrement were determined by 13 methods and the influence of Cl- on the COD values was investegated. The results are as follows ; 1. When KMnO4 was used as an oxidant (KMnO4 method), COD values of standard substances were zero or very low comparing with the values obtained by methods using K2Cr2O7 as an oxidant (K2Cr2O7 method). Low COD value was also obtained on the effluent of treated human excrement by KMnO4 method. Therefore, the COD value by KMnO4 method is meaningless as an indicater of sewage pollution. 2. By K2Cr2O7 method, especially with Ag2SO4 as a catalyst, high COD values were obtained for almost every standard substances and effluent of treated human excrement. In this case, COD values were also obtained by the inorganic substances such as NH3 and Cl-. 3. KMnO4 method was slightly affected by Cl-, while K2Cr2O7 method was greatly influenced by Cl-. The influence of Cl- in K2Cr2O7 method can be eliminated by adding HgSO4 to the sample.