摘要:It is reported that fluorine is emitted to the atmosphere from various industrial process such as the manufacturing of aluminium, clay bricks, phosphate fertilizers and steel. Fluorine concentration in air of china manufacturing area and in raw materials of china were measured. Alkaline paper method was applied for measuring fluorine in air, and modified distillation method was used for fluorine in raw materials of china. From the results of this investigation, it was shown that fluorine content in green body and glaze of china materials were 3.4-16.3mg/100g, and the content in manufacturing were less than 3mg/100g. More than 90% of fluorine in these raw materials was volatilized by firing in the process of china manufacturing, therefore it was supposed that measurable amounts of fluorine was emitted to the atmosphere in china manufacturing area. Fluorine values in the air in china manufacturing area were 3.1μg/d/100cm2 paper, and these vulues were 4 times as high as the values in Gifu city-commercial city. In the nearest observation point to china factories, the values were 20 times higher than to that in Gifu city. From these results, it was concluded that china manufacturing was the main source of fluorine emission.