摘要:Four spectrophotometric methods (absorbance difference method, absorbance ratio method, total hemoglobin method proposed by Hayashi et al. and alkaline method modified by Katsumata et al.) and gas chromatographic head space method for the determination of carboxy hemoglobin were compared using serially mixed standard samples. Best linearity and reproducibility were obtained by the absorbance difference method which needed accurate wavelength adjustment with narrow band path spectrophotometer. The absorbance ratio method had slightly less accuracy than former method but it is practically good method because even a wide band path spectrophotometer is usable. Total hemoglobin method needed two hours for one sample and linearity and reproducibility were poor. This method should be used only for the decomposed samples to which other method is not able to apply. The alkaline method showed poor linearity and reproducibility. Liberation of carbon monoxide was observed in 100% carboxy hemoglobin sample in both absorbance difference and absorbance ratio methods. Gas chromatographic method showed very good linearity and reproducibility in the samples not containing methemoglobin, but higher estimated values than actual values were obtained in the samples containing methemoglobin.