摘要:Although consumer products containing organomercuric compounds have been banned in Japan since 1975, two kinds of organomercuric compounds were detected in imported shoe colors and shoe polishes, manufactured by Dylon International Ltd. in England and Kiwi Polish Co. in USA, respectively. The Dylon's compound was identified as phenylmercury by gas chromatography with electron capture detector. The Kiwi's compound was purified as the dithizonate by column and thin-layer chromatography, and its mass, proton magnetic resonance, and infrared absorption spectra were compared with those of the dithizonates of authentic organomercuric compounds. In this manner, the Kiwi's compound was identified as (3-chloro-2-methoxypropyl) mercury, which can be easily synthesized from allyl chloride and mercuric acetate in methanol.