摘要:A compound having a molecular formula C6H10O2N2 (MW 142, mp 218°) has been known to be formed by warming α-bromoisovalerylurea (BV) with 28% aqueous ammonia. In order to determine the chemical structure of this compound, the analytical data of the compound obtained by treatment of BV with ammonia were compared with those of synthetic 5-isopropylhydantoin (C6H10O2N2, MW 142, mp 145-146°) and 3-methylcrotonylurea (C6H10O2N2, MW 142, mp 213°) formed by heating BV with pyridine. From the above results it was clarified that the compound was different from synthetic and pyridine-treated compounds in infrared (IR) spectrum, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum, and thin-layer chromatogram. By more detailed analyses, this compound was determined to be 2-imino-5-isopropyl-4-oxazolidinone (OZ).