摘要:In order to investigate the metabolism of sodium propionate in rats, respiratory expiration, urinary and fecal excretion and tissue distribution were studied after single oral administration of [2-14C] sodium propionate. The expiration of 14CO2 was rapid, and a half of the radioactivity administered was expired within 4 hours. The amount of radioactivity expired during three days was 77 per cent. About 7 per cent of the radioactivity administered was excreted in feces and urine during three days, of which unchanged 14C-propionate accounted for only a trace. Relatively high levels of radioactivity were observed in skin, liver, intestine and adipose tissue at three days after administration. The amounts of radioactivity distributed to these tissues were 3.9, 1.1, 0.9 and 0.7 per cent, respectively. There were no marked differences among the concentrations of radioactivity in all examined organs, including the above-mentioned tissues. It was found that about 10 per cent of the radioactivity in the liver at three days after administration was incorporated into glycogen. The radioactivity found in the lipid fraction amounted to 29 and 80 per cent of the total radioactivity in skin and adipose tissue, respectively.
关键词:[2-14C] sodium propionate;metabolism;distribution;expiration of 14CO2;urinary and fecal excretion;glycogen;skin;liver;intestine;adipose tissue