摘要:The effects of dilazep on blood fibrinolytic system were studied in ex vivo experiment. Fibrinolytic activity in plasma was determined by the fibrin plate method at designed times after the administration of dilazep in guinea pigs, rabbits and mongrel dogs. In guinea pigs, fibrinolytic activity of euglobulin (plasminogen activator level, 1.10±0.08 CU/ml in control animals) rose to 1.53±0.24, 1.92±0.13 and 2.35±0.15 CU/ml 2 h after the p.o. administration of 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg of dilazep, respectively. Plasminogen levels in euglobulin were unchanged, however, plasmin inhibitory activities were lowered following the increase of plasminogen activator levels. About 2-fold increase of plasminogen activator level was also observed in rabbits 60 min after the p.o. administration of 300 mg/kg dilazep and returned to the initial level (0.054 CU/ml) within 3 h after the administration. A rapid increase of plasminogen activator level was observed in a case of the i.v. administration of dilazep into rabbits and mongrel dogs. In in vitro experiment, dilazep added to whole blood or plasma of guinea pigs ranging 0.1 to 1000 μg/ml did not reveal any effects on plasminogen activator level or plasmin inhibitory activity in plasma.