摘要:Relationship between contraction and cyclic AMP levels induced by BaCl2 was examined in the longitudinal smooth muscle isolated from guinea pig ileum. BaCl2 3×10-3M caused a fast initial contraction, often followed by a gradual decrease of the contractile state. There was an increase in the tissue cyclic AMP 7 min or 14 min after the application of Ba. A phosphodiesterase activator imidazole reinforced the later phase of contraction by Ba and inhibited the increase in cyclic AMP. These results indicate that there is still a positive correlation between relaxation and increase in cyclic AMP and that an inhibitory action mediated by cyclic AMP is veiled behind the Ba contraction. Furthermore, these results may be interpreted by assuming that strong Ba contraction operates a feedback mechanism and that the feedback mechanism is associated with cyclic AMP increase. Indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandins synthesis, little influenced the Ba-induced increase in cyclic AMP and rather inhibited the Ba contraction. Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, failed to exert influence on the Ba contraction. Based on these facts, it is suggested that the increase in cyclic AMP is not mediated by prostaglandins or catecholamines.