摘要:Personnel and audiovisual materials in software, which supports hardware, are important in addition to hardware in establishing both a LRC (Learning Resource Center) and a small-scale audiovisual room in a library. When services of providing audiovisual materials in a library are considered, much importance tends to be attached to the apparatuses and equipment. However, prior to this, gathering and organization of materials should be sufficiently investigated. It is a problem that many purchased materials are not arranged to be used effectively, to say nothing of apparatuses without materials to use. Materials should be arranged from the standpoint of actual users. The best use of the characteristics of the audiovisual materials as teaching materials cannot be made if they are arranged and piled by an expedient means for the library's purposes in view of the fact that audiovisual materials are difficult to deal with. From the above-mentioned points, the systems of classification, cataloging and search should be determined taking into considerable account the way users will utilize these materials. The establishment of the method of organizing audiovisual materials will allow audiovisual materials to stay in the library and, consequently, will make the role of medical libraries in medical education more important. This paper describes methods of organizing slides, one of the most difficult audiovisual materials to handle, dividing them into 1. registration, 2. classification, 3. cataloging, 4. labeling, 5. storage containers and 6. usage on the basis of the actual conditions of member libraries of The Japan Medical Library Association. This study was supported by a fiscal 1981 subsidy from The Japan Medical Library Association.