摘要:Effect of Chlordimeform on Cardiovascular Function in Occupational Exposures: Zhijun ZHOU, et al. Department of Occupational Health, Shanghai Medical University —To understand the possible effects of an insecticide, chlordimeform, on the human cardiovascular system, this work was carried out. Pre- and postexposure, the medical examinations, especially cardiovascular functions, were meticulously done in farmers spraying 0.125% solution of chlordimeforme for 3 consecutive days and packers packing chlordimeform for one month. The exposure level was measured by means of the urinary excretion of chlordimeform and its main metabolite, 4-chlor-o-tolumidine, as well as the air concentration in the work place and skin contamination by using a regional proportional sampling strategy. The alterations, though mild and diverse, were significant compared to their own pre-exposure background. The changes in heart rate, blood pressure and some EKG parameters, such as T wave, P wave, PR interval and Qt interval were noticed. The cardiovascular functional changes were usual and sensitive findings in the exposed persons, and their importance in health surveillance needs to be emphasized.