摘要:A Survey of Blood Pressure in Cadmium-Exposed Workers. Guicheng ZHANG, et al . Xinxiang Occupational Institute -An investigation was performed on the prevalence of hypertension and hypotension among 362 cadmium-exposed workers in a nickel-cadmium battery factory with 526 control workers/farmers. Cadmium in urine was 1 2.5μg/l in the cadmium workers and 2.4, μg/l in the control group. Increased risk of hypertension had not been found in the workers exposed to cadmium. The prevalence of hypotension which was 3.9% in cadmium workers was lower than that in the control group. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratio of hypotension was 0.26 cadmium-exposed workers (p=0.0004). The results showed that cadmium exposure could decrease the prevalence of hypotension. (J Occup Health 1996; 38: 198-200)