摘要:A survey was performed in order to assess the need for computerization and the information environment in Dokkyo University School of Medicine in October 1992. The questionnaire had three different formats: one for department heads, another for the teaching staff, and the third for the hospital staff. The total response rate was 79.7% (2053/2575), and the main results were as follows; (1) The three main uses of personal computers were word processing, statistical calculation and numerical data analysis, accounting for 59.3% of the response (n=548). However, information retrieval ranked the highest for the future use of personal computers by the premedical and preclinical staff. (2) 81% of the premedical and preclinical staff (n=68) used the library's CD-ROM and requested the librarian for information retrieval, but 45% of the clinical staff (n=161) requested this from people other than the librarian. (3) The premedical and preclinical staff were more sensitive to information ethics than the clinical staff. (4) The more skilled at operating the personal computer the staff were, the more they looked forward to the next stage of computerization. The unskilled staff were passive with regard to computerization, and thought it should be implemented with as need required.