出版社:National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
摘要:Untrained healthy male volunteers were subjected to the study of the effects of physical exercise (bicycle ergometer, 150 W for 30 min) upon the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST [GOT]) isoenzymes, soluble and mitochondrial (AST-s and AST-m) with and without reactivation by the co-enzyme pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PALP) in plasma. Blood samples were drawn at the beginning and end of the exercise periods and then 20 min, and 1, 6, 24 and 48 hours later. There was a marked increase in AST-m activity with reactivation by PALP immediately after the exercise, whereas AST-s activity activated with PALP did not vary substanti-ally. Inversely, a significant increase in AST-s activity with PALP added was observed at 48 hours after the exercise, but not in AST-m with PALP added. The changes in the effects of PALP on the activities of AST isoenzymes after physical exercise are discussed.
关键词:AST-m and AST-s isoenzymes;Holo-and apo-enzyme;Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate;Plasma;Exercise;Recovery pattern