出版社:National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
摘要:A scale of vibration greatness (VG) corresponding to loudness (sone) in psycho-acoustics was determined on the whole body and hand vibrations in vertical and hor-izontal directions. This scale has true ratio properties, and numbers on this scale having a given ratio refer to vibrations whose sensation has that ratio. The corrected ratio method devised by W. R. Garner for loudness measurement was used in our ex-periment. This method consists of two experiments which are based on fractionation and equisection judgments. The unit value of VG was decided as 40 VGL (1 VG=40 VGL). Vibration greatness level (VGL) corresponds to loudness level (phon) as defined in Part 1. The experiments were carried out mainly at 20c/s. The effect of frequency on vibration greatness was examined at 5, 30 and 60 c/s. The vibration greatness for both of whole body and hand can be shown by following two equations. log VG = 0. 030 VGL-1.20, below 1 VG. log VG = 0. 023 VGL-0.92, above 1 VG. Dependency on frequency was not observed.