摘要:We classified hepatic lesions spontaneously developed by Long-Evans with a cinnamon-like coat color (LEC) rats into the following four stages : Normal liver, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and hepatoma, by biochemical tests of the sera, and anatomical and histopathological examination of the livers. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) activity in the sera of LEC rats which developed acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and hepatoma was higher than that of normal LEC rats. In paticular, HGF activity in the sera of the LEC rats with acute hepatitis was about 70-fold that of normal LEC rats. However, primary cultured hepatocytes of LEC rats with hepatic lesions were hardly proliferated by stimulation with EGF and insulin in vitro or with increased HGF in vivo. These results suggest that the hepatocytes of LEC rats with hepatic lesions disorder the signal transduction of growth factors.