摘要:This study aimed to adapt the MADRE to Persian and to examine the validity and reliability of the new scale. For the adaptation, the translation and back-translation method was used and after some variations a shorter version of questionnaire having 26 items was developed from the original MADRE. Validity testing involved a panel consisted of 15 psychologists to fulfill a quantitative assessment by calculating content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI). Since the lowest acceptable quantity of CVR in the presence of 15 panelists and CVI is determined 0.49 and 0.79 respectively, all the items of developed instrument enjoyed a proper level of content validity in terms of essentiality, relevance, and clarity with an exception for one item relevance. Reliability of the instrument was assessed by a test–retest method and use of Cronbach's alpha.Persian scale demonstrated good test-retest reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was achieved 0.752 for the overall scale.The findings of current investigation suggest that Persian adaption of MADRE is a valid and reliable instrument which can be tried on target populations in further studies.