摘要:The aim of this study was to confirm the “Student Interest-in-the-Arts Questionnaire” (SIAQ) in a Greekelementary educational context. The internal consistency of the SIAQ was also examined. The sample of thestudy consisted of 304 male and 348 female elementary school students. The Greek version of “SIAQ wasused. The questionnaire’s validity and reliability were checked by performing a confirmatory factor analysis,and an internal consistency analysis. Descriptive statistics were calculated to broadly examine pupils’ interestin traditional Greek dance. The results showed that SIAQ is a credible and useful tool to measure theindicative interest of Primary School students aged 9-12 in Greek traditional dance. It appears that studentsshow a moderate interest in participating in Greek dance classes. Nevertheless, further investigation isneeded concerning the contribution of interest in the process of learning and its relation to other motivationvariables. It is important to define the conditions that lead students of all ages to develop and maintain theirinterest in Greek traditional dance while growing up and it should be the subject of more investigation in aneducational environment.