摘要:The objective of this paper was to investigate the influence of biological, psychological and social factors onthe relevant attitudes of adolescents towards dieting during adolescence. The pertinent sample accounted for302 high school seniors of two high schools in Valjevo, aged 19.20 (SD=0.78). Four measuring instrumentswere used: Adolescent dieting scale (Patton et al., 1997), The Positive and negative perfectionism scale –PNSP (Terry-Short, Owens, Slade & Dewey, 1995), The Self-Liking and Self-Competence Scale (Tafarodi &Swann, 1995) and The body image questionnaire and body change inventory (Ricciardell, McCabe & Banfield,2000). The given results showed that the 65,56% of adolescents follow minimal, moderate or extreme diet.The findings of the correlative analysis showed statistically significant and moderate linear link between thevariables of self-liking and body image satisfaction (r=0.38, p≤0.01), media influence and parental influence(r=0.65, p≤0.01), media influence and peer influence (r=-0.62, p≤0.01), parental influence and peerinfluence (r=0.60, p≤0.01), negative self-liking and body image satisfaction (r=-0.67, p≤0.01), as well aspositive correlation between positive self-competence and body image satisfaction (r=0.58, p≤0.01).Conducting hierarchical regression analysis, it was determined that the body mass, positive perfectionism,body image satisfaction, negative self-competence, media influence and parental influence are significantpartial predictors of the criterion variable for dieting with the total of 66% of explained variance. The givenresults were commented on in the form of the findings of researches done so far, and the possible theoreticaland practical implications of the results were discussed.
关键词:diet; adolescents; biological; psychological and social factors