出版社:International Association for Social Science Information Service & Technology
摘要:In Germany as in many other countries there is an abundance of experience with secondary analysis of quantitative data. In particular, the GESIS 'Data Archive and Data Analysis' in Cologne has for more than 50 years supported and promoted this tradition of social science and multi- disciplinary research by providing the opportunity to use a wide range of social science data for secondary analysis. A similar picture cannot be drawn for the area of qualitative research in Germany. In spite of the growing relevance of qualitative methods since the 1970s, there is no widespread culture of data sharing in qualitative research nor can one find an insti- tution providing a user-oriented data service for qualitative material on a nationwide scale. In view of this situation the Archive for Life Course Research (ALLF) at the University of Bremen addresses itself to the task of improving the unsatisfactory methodological and data-related conditions through planning for national archival development. As a first step, a nationwide feasibil- ity study on archiving and secondary use of qualitative interview data has been conducted. Drawing on the results of the feasibility study, this contribution reports on the culture of sharing and archiving qualitative research data in Germany, the support for such a service infrastruc- ture, already existing archiving infrastructure, and last but not least, the development planning for the next two years. Due to the ALLF's holdings and the particular value of this k ind of data, this overview of the German situation includes a special attention to longitudinal data.