出版社:Centre for Medical Education and Association for Medical Education
摘要:This cross sectional descriptive study was carried out to determine the students' view about the influence of formative assessment on summative assessment The study was carried out from July 2009 to June 2010 over 300 intern doctors of Medicine and Paediatrics department of two government and two private medical colleges. Data were collected through self administered questionnaire. The questionnaire included different opinion about the influence of formative assessment on summative assessment and were rated using the 5 point Likert's scale. This study revealed that feedback from formative assessment to the students is important to supplement and modify teaching by the teachers. Students' fear is for summative assessment is reduced by formative assessment Written test, VIVA/SOE and OSCE/OSPE of formative assessment greatly improves the results of summative assessment Students opined that to improve the formative assessment the number of teachers should be increased, teachers should be trained up, teachers should give more time to the students and optimum feedback should be provided to the students. Frequency of formative assessment should remain as it is. Twenty to twenty five percent marks from formative assessment should be added to the summative assessment. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education Vol.4(1) 2013: 16-19
关键词:Formative assessment;Summative assessment;Teacher;Medical students