期刊名称:Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:To assess quality of the denoised image is one of the important task in image denoising application.Numerous quality metrics are proposed by researchers with their particular characteristics till today. Inpractice, image acquisition system is different for natural and medical images. Hence noise introduced inthese images is also different in nature. Considering this fact, authors in this paper tried to identify thesuited quality metrics for Gaussian, speckle and Poisson corrupted natural, ultrasound and X-ray imagesrespectively. In this paper, sixteen different quality metrics from full reference category are evaluated withrespect to noise variance and suited quality metric for particular type of noise is identified. Strong need todevelop noise dependent quality metric is also identified in this work.