期刊名称:Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition
出版社:The Society for Free Radical Research Japan
摘要:WHO undertook a study to examine the effects of combination type oral contraceptives containing 30 or 50μg ethinyl estradiol and 150μg d -norgestrel on undernourished women from India and Thailand. As compared with a middle-income population of women in each of these centers, women recruited for the study were undernourished. To discriminate hormone effects from other time-related changes, the baseline data on the cross-section of the study population were analyzed for effects of duration of lactation, anthropometry, and season. Both oral pills brought about a similar small but significant deterioration in glucose tolerance. The change tended to be progressive in some women, but the overall trend was not significant. Effects on other parameters were absent or inconsistent. Maternal nutritional status (as assessed by body weight) and lactational status did not modify the metabolic effects of the oral contraceptives.