标题:El nuevo corte estratigráfico del yacimiento paleolítico de San Isidro (Madrid) de Emilio Rotondo sito en la Cátedra de Geología de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos de Madrid
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:We present a new section by Emilio Rotondo from the Palaeolithic site of San Isidro that preserves the only detailed description of its stratigraphy and thus improves our knowledge about this historical site. 34 levels of different particle size, color, thickness and structure are identified. There are two differentiated archaeological levels: an upper one (layer 26) formed by sands, clays and containing a lithic industry and remains of fossil mammals (these are also found in layers 27 through 30) and a lower one (layer 34) formed by gravels with lithic industry.
关键词:Historiography;19th Century;Educational Material;Lower Paleolithic;Acheulean;San Isidro;Manzanares River Terrace;Madrid;Spain;Historiografía;Siglo XIX;Material docente;Paleolítico inferior;Achelense;Yacimiento de San Isidro;Terraza río Manzanares;Madrid;España