标题:El culto a la palabra y la representación del lenguaje del bar en Bachata del ángel caído: narrativa maestra de la República Dominicana en el Postrujillato
期刊名称:Revista Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e HispanoAmerica
出版社:Universidad del Atlántico- Universidad de Cartagena
摘要:This paper analyzes the reconfiguration of the notion of nation, the emergence of new subjectivities and the relationships among them that Pedro Antonio Valdez, a Dominican writer, does in his first nov- el, Bachata del ángel caído , within the context of socio-economic reforms car- ried out by Joaquin Balaguer in the Do- minican Republic at the end of the 20th Century. I claim that this writer intends to “present” those subjectivities by insert- ing pieces of bachatas and boleros that help to illustrate those reconfigurations and by mocking the intellectual of the Boom and the representation this one made of subaltern subjects. Keywords: Bachata music, Representation, Subjec- tivities, Parody, Intellectuals.