摘要:Buscou-se descrever frequência dos tipos de violência contra o idoso, perfil sócio-demográfico dos envolvidos e associação violência/sexo. Foram avaliados boletins de ocorrência (BO) da Delegacia de Proteção ao Idoso de Porto Alegre/RS. Para análise utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. O nível de significância foi P≤0,05. Foram analisados 1996 BO - 2011. A violência mais frequente foi ameaça e o menos, abandono. A maioria que sofreu violência foi mulher, baixa escolaridade, cor branca, aposentada e sem relacionamento estável. Quanto aos comunicantes, a maioria era mulher, com pouca escolaridade e cor branca. A maioria dos acusados era homem, com maior escolaridade, cor branca e com atividade remunerada. Abandono e negligência foram mais cometidos por mulheres e ameaça por homens. Faz-se necessário a conscientização em relação à vulnerabilidade biopsicossocial dos idosos e a busca por medidas protetivas e políticas públicas de apoio a esta crescente parcela da população brasileira.
其他摘要:We attempted to describe the frequency of type of violence against the elderly, the socio-demographic profile of those involved and the association of violence/gender. Police reports (BO) from the elder protection police desk in Porto Alegre/RS, were analyzed. For data analysis, the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used. The level of significance was p ≤ 0.05. 1996 police reports were analyzed – 2011. The most common type of violence was the threat and the least was withdrawal. Most seniors who have experienced violence were women, had lower education, were white, were retired and were not engaged in any relationship. Regarding the informants, most were women, had lower education and were white. As for the defendant, the majority were male, with higher education, with paid work. Abandonment and negligence were more allegedly committed by women and threatened by men. Thus, it is necessary the awareness of the society regarding the biopsychosocial vulnerability of older people and the search for protective measures and efficient public policies to support this growing part of the population.