摘要:Chronic ectopic pregnancy is a form of tubal pregnancy in which minor ruptures or abortions of an ectopic pregnancy instead of a single episode of bleeding, produces an inflammatory response leading to a pelvic tumor formation. Its clinical features and laboratory evaluations are often confusing. Diagnosis of this enigmatic clinical condition is made during surgery. We describe a case of a 38-year-old woman who presented intermittent lower abdominal pain of 5 months duration. There was no preceding amenorrhea and previous menstrual cycles were regular. Chorionic gonadotropin test was negative and tumor markers were within normal limits. Pelvic ultrasound and tomography revealed an adnexal tumor. Laparoscopy showed dense adhesion in pelvic area with distorted anatomy with a right sided large organized hematosalpinx which was stuck to omentum and Douglas´ pouch. Salpingectomy was performed. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of chronic ectopic pregnancy with. Chronic ectopic pregnancy should be considered in differential diagnosis among patients presenting with an adnexal mass and an evident clinical picture.