摘要:Anterior midline intracranial cysts may be found in three forms: cavum septum pellucidum, cavum vergae, and cavum velum interpositum. The cavum velum interpositum cyst represents a cerebrospinal fluid filled space formed by the corpus callosum and fornix above, the roof of the third ventricle and thalamus below and of the fornix on each side laterally. We report the case of a 28-year-old pregnant woman who attended to prenatal consult at 30 weeks. During ultrasound evaluation it was found a 25 milimeters of diameter, intracranial, interhemispheric and, anechoic cystic lesion inferior of corpus callosum, accompanied by a slight enlarged third ventricle without evidence of compressive hydrocephalus. Karyotype was normal. Diagnosis of cavum velum interpositum cyst was considered. A normal newborn was obtained after spontaneous vaginal birth. Magnetic resonance after birth confirmed diagnosis.
关键词:Cavum velum interpositum cyst;anterior midline intracranial cysts;prenatal diagnosis;Quiste del Cavum veli interpositum;quistes intracraneales de la línea media anterior;diagnóstico prenatal