出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The fifteenth century was a period of growth in the Crown of Castile and yet there were recurrent periods of dearth. Some of these episodes are examined in order to address the functions of the cereals market and determine the factors that contributed to a rise in prices. A comparative analysis of the relative importance of these shortages shows that the severest of them involved factors that were political in nature, rather than intrinsically related to production. This article analyzes the dimension of conflict that surrounded these political regulations, since the actors were aware of the mechanisms that operated in the cereals market and condemned them. In certain contexts, they went as far as to propose additional regulations and even to lead revolts against those who profi ted from speculation in the grain market.
关键词:dearth;grain market;social conflict;Crown of Castile;XVth century;carestía;mercado del grano;conflicto social;Corona de Castilla;siglo XV