出版社:Utrecht University, Maastricht University, Groningen University
摘要:Belgium is going through a structural reform of the mental health care system. Key of the reform is is a policy strategy with the ambition to deinstitutionalise the mental health care provision (reduction of beds) through a balanced care approach and by means of establishing regional multisectorial mental health care networks. Each network will cover a range of activities (" 5 functions" from prevention over ambulatory care, over housing and social care, over rehabilitation,...) The government program was launched in 2012. This contribution will provide a state of the art process evaluation of the implementation of multisectorial networks. The methodological approach used is grounded in realist evaluation and takes into account knowledge from implementation science. We will report findings of 19 networks. Data were mainly collected through qualitative datacollection techniques. This contribution will highlight the facilitating and hampering factors when implementing interorgansation networks in mental health care: Particular attention will be paid to the governance of these networks and the impact of intsitutional fields in which different sectors operate on the establishment of networks. Based on the empirical analysis we wil present a number of lessons learned, reflections and recommendations on how the organisational and multisectorial intergration of mental health care could become more effective, and we will stress the importance of a context-sensitive approach in order to adress the issue of integration of care.
关键词:mental health care reforms ; interorganisational networks ; context sensitive analysis ; governance