摘要:Teade plagiaadi kohta / Report of an Act of Plagiarism (6. mai 2012 / 6 May, 2012) ERÜ aastaraamatus 4 (2008) lk 121–138 ilmunud Mohammad Mohseni-Far 'i artikli "In Search of the Best Technique for Vocabulary Acquisition" näol on tegemist iseenda plagiaadiga. Sama artikkel on 2008. a ilmunud lisaks ERÜ aastaraamatule veel KAKS KORDA ligilähedases sõnastuses ning ligilähedase pealkirjaga. Kuna autor on tegelnud sõnastuse muutmisega, siis järelikult on tegemist teadliku plagiaadiga . Vt ka Check for Plagiarism On the Web . We are sorry to inform that Mohammad Mohseni-Far , the author of 'In Search of the Best Technique for Vocabulary Acquisition' published in ERÜ aastaraamat / EAAL yearbook, Vol. 4 (2008) pp. 121–138, has published the same article TWICE in another journal just by changing the title and a few wordings. The plagiarism is verified, using the Check for Plagiarism On the Web . A Cognitively-oriented Encapsulation of Strategies Utilized for Lexical Development: In search of a flexible and highly interactive curriculum. – Porta Linguarum 9 (2008), 35–42 . Techniques and Strategies Utilized for Vocabulary Acquisition: the necessity to design a multifaceted framework with an instructionally wise equilibrium. – Porta Linguarum 8 (2007), 137–152 . ERÜ aastaraamatu toimetus / Editors of the EAAL yearbook *** The present study is intended to critically examine vocabulary learning/acquisition techniques within second/foreign language context. Accordingly, the purpose of this survey is to concentrate particularly on the variables connected with lexical knowledge and establish a fairly all-inclusive framework which comprises and expounds on the most significant strategies and relevant factors within the vocabulary acquisition context. At the outset, the study introduces four salient variables; learner, task and strategy serve as a general structure of inquiry (Flavell’s cognitive model, 1992). Besides, the variable of context is introduced to enrich the examination process. The analysis specifically looks in depth at task-dependent strategies for this variable is much more substantial and yet in practice possesses more pedagogical implications. In lieu of seeking out superior strategies and techniques that bring about optimal outcomes, the investigator lays stress on the relative effectiveness of each individual strategy and technique. The organic idea of this exploration is that the most effectual and successful lexical development will occur in flexible and highly interactive syllabuses with a pedagogically well-reasoned balance between explicit and implicit activities. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5128/ERYa4.08
关键词:vocabulary learning/acquisition;lexical knowledge;lexical development;strategies and techniques; curriculum development