标题:Aplicación de la digitalización para el estudio, conservación y explotación turística del patrimonio: un caso práctico de un conjunto de bodegas subterráneas - declaradas Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC)
出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
摘要:Spain is a country with a wide tourist heritage. All the public institutions should be interested in preserving and conserving it in good conditions year after year. New digital technologies may allow making a thorough and reliable inventory of all of our goods so as to show them whether with static or in movement images in order to promote cultural tourism. The methodology used to accomplish this task is based on reverse engineering, tool that allows us to know details of its shape, texture, construction details and geo-referenced positioning. Inverse engineering will help us to create a digital catalogue with all the formal characteristics of the objects and tourist spaces. It will be possible then to reproduce them in a three dimensional way for different uses. Reverse engineering is also an excellent tool for innovation and a teaching strategy to acquire the skills required for design and innovation in the training of engineers.