摘要:This paper goes beyond traditional explanations about the managerial fads that shape the management industry. Therefore, a praxeological perspective was adopted to examine the bases underlying this industry. Data were collected during a seven-month period through observation, documental research and interviews that were conducted within an organization in the emerging sector of online discount coupon selling. We analyzed the social construction process of strategy practitioners in different hierarchical domains and found that the ordinary dynamics within organizations – which are at the base of the management industry – occur through the articulation of central and peripheral strategy, discourse, and social trajectory praxes, and through the stratification of three organizational role categories
关键词:Praxis; practitioners; management industry; hierarchy; discourse;Praxis; practicantes; industria del management; jerarquía; discurso;Práxis; praticantes; indústria do management; hierarquia; discurso