摘要:The reflexivity which occurs during learning processes within communities of practice constitutes the focus of this article. More specifi cally, the goal is to describe refl exivity’s role in environments embedded in social relations connected to a practice. At the theoretical level, a socio-practical perspective of organizational learning is adopted. At the methodological level, a study of four cases was carried out in higher education organizations. The empirical study is based upon semi-structured interviews and systematic observation. The results allow us to develop the concept of refl ective collaboration, discussing its importance in promoting innovative ideas about a practice, intensifying, consequently, learning and the generation of new knowledge.
关键词:Communities of practices;organizational learning;reflective-in-action;reflective collaboration;private higher education organization;Comunidades de prática;aprendizagem organizacional;ação reflexiva;colaboração reflexiva;organização de ensino superior privada