摘要:Carried out investigations proved that teachers’ stress experience is more often noticeable than among other professionals [28] and threat of a professional burning out for the teachers is higher. This investigation is quite new because there is not much research, which would compare the styles of coping with stress at work by secondary school teachers and high schools lecturers. It could be important for further psychological investigations either in Lithuania as well as in other countries. This article presents the results of investigation about the styles to coping with stress at work. There were paid attention to such factors as age, gender, place of work (secondary or higher school) and teaching experience. The study sample consisted of 245 teachers from Vilnius city and Vilnius area, 157 (64.1 percent) secondary school teachers and 88 (35.9 percent) high schools lecturers. The investigation revealed that a younger group of the teachers (21–39 years old) was more than the elder teachers’ group (40-67 years old) incline to use the avoidance style of coping with stress at work than the teachers belonging to an elder group (40–67 years old) (p = 0.0001). Female teachers were more than male teachers inclined to use an emotions oriented styles of coping with stress (p = 0.0001). The teachers with more teaching experience inclined to use the avoidance and emotions oriented styles of coping with stress (p < 0.05). It also appeared that the secondary school teachers were more than the higher school teachers inclined to use the emotional style of coping with stress (p = 0.028) and were less inclined to employ a problem solving oriented style of coping with stress (p = 0.017) at work. A separate examination of statistically material research results for the secondary school teachers and higher school teachers allows stating that the younger secondary school teachers more often that the older teachers use the avoidance style in stressful situations at work (p = 0.0001); higher school female teachers are more often inclined to use the emotional coping style in stressful situations (p = 0.001). Taking into consideration that there were identified a few important differences between the groups of teachers, the subsequent researches should be justified in order to determine causal relations of these differences. Keywords: stress at work, coping with stress, secondary school teachers, high schools lecturers.