摘要:This paper presents partial results of a doctoral research focused on the multiplatform distribution involving journalism in digital networks. This research starts from the hypothesis that convergence with digital media, which will be defined during this article, results in the expansion of communication contracts (Charaudeau, 2007) proposed by news outlets. The case of the newspaper “Zero Hora” is analyzed in the thesis. This paper proposes a reflection about the possible expansion of communication contracts offered by the vehicle from the observation of their staging devices (Charaudeau, 2007). With this intention, we present a description of the findings of one of the steps of the study: the identification and analysis of the remissions found in “Zero Hora”. Movements which depart from these remissions are checked in 18 Zero Hora.com editions , 18 “Zero Hora” editions on iPad and 18 “Zero Hora” editions on iPhone. Keywords: convergence journalism, communication contract, multiplatform distribution.