标题:Study on the Concepts of Values of Athletics in the Meiji Era [I]-Especially on the Relationship between "Athletics" and the "School Spirit" in Dai-ichi Koto Gakko
出版社:Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
摘要:The primary purpose of this study was to charify what concepts the students of Daiichi Koto Gakko, had on the values of "Athletics." The discussions appeared in the alumni publications are available for our purpose. The stages of the discussions can be divided into four. In this article, the concepts of the first stage (I8949-95) are considered. The results of this inquiry will be summarized as follows: (i) The issue of the discussions seems to whether "Athletics" is useful for animating "School Spirit" or not. (ii) Concerning this matter, two kinds of opinion are found among them. The former emphasized the ethical values of athletics, while the latter ventured to deny it and wanted to value the physical. (iii) This latter opinion was not supported by any other writer, but the denial of the ethical values means that the ideal function of the athletics which had been expected to stiffen the morale of the students and give impetus to the integration of the boarding student group had already become imperfect at that time.