摘要:Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pre-cooling and fluid replacement with either crushed ice or cold water. Methods: On 2 separate occasions, in a counterbalanced order, 9 recreationally-trained males ingested 1.25@?g/kg (80-100@?g) of either crushed ice (0.5^oC) or cold water (4^oC) every 5@?min for 30@?min before exercise. They also ingested 2.0@?g/kg (130-160@?g) of the same treatment drink at 15@?min, 30@?min, and 45@?min after the commencement of cycling to exhaustion at 60%VO"2"m"a"x until voluntary exhaustion in a hot environment (35^oC and 30% relative humidity). Results: The cycling time to exhaustion in the crushed ice trial (50.0@?+/-@?12.2@?min) was longer than the cold water trial (42.2@?+/-@?10.1@?min; p@?=@?0.02). Although the rectal temperature fell by 0.37^oC@?+/-@?0.03^oC (p@?=@?0.01) at the end of the resting period after the crushed ice ingestion, the rates of rise in rectal temperature during the exercise period were not significantly different between these 2 conditions (crushed ice: 0.23^oC@?+/-@?0.07^oC, 5@?min; cold water: 0.22^oC@?+/-@?0.07^oC, 5@?min; p@?=@?0.94). Conclusion: Crushed ice ingestion before and during exercise in a hot environment may be a preferred and effective approach for minimizing thermal strain, and for improving endurance performance as compared with cold water ingestion.
关键词:Cold water ingestion; Pre; cooling; Rectal temperature; Thermoregulation