标题:ANÁLISIS DE LAS VARIABLES ANTROPOMÉTRICAS Y FÍSICO TÉCNICAS EN VOLEIBOL FEMENINO [Analysis of anthropometric and physical techniques in women´s volleyball]
期刊名称:E-balonmano.com : Revista de Ciencias del Deporte
出版社:Federación Extremeña de Balonmano
摘要:El voleibol ha sido considerado como un deporte de alta complejidad debido a sus exigencias técnicas, tácticas, físicas, psicológicas y de factores antropométricos. A lo largo de los años se ha producido un aumento en la homogeneidad de las características de los jugadores de voleibol en el alto rendimiento debido a la captación de talentos con similares aptitudes. El interés principal de este estudio fue determinar el rendimiento en una muestra de 53 jugadoras de voleibol que participan en diferentes categorías de competición federada de carácter nacional y autonómico. Las variables estudiadas fueron: categoría, variables antropométricas (masa corporal, talla, alcance, endomorfia, mesomorfia, ectomorfia), fuerza de tren superior (lanzamiento de balón, velocidad de golpeo sin batida y velocidad de golpeo con batida) y fuerza de tren inferior (CMJ, ABK, DJ y batida de ataque). El análisis estadístico consistió en una prueba de Shapiro-Wilks para determinar la normalidad de la muestra. El análisis comparativo entre las categorías se realizó utilizando un análisis de la varianza (ANOVA) de un factor. Los resultados reflejaron un aumento positivo considerable en las capacidades físicas, técnicas y las características antropométricas de las jugadoras con el aumento del nivel de competición, además de un mejor aprovechamiento de los gestos técnicos, reflejándose un aumento del rendimiento de los mismos. Abstract Volleyball has been considered a highly complex sport because of their technical, tactical, physical, psychological and anthropometric factors requirements. Over the years there has been an increase in the homogeneity of the characteristics of volleyball players in high performance due to talent acquisition with similar skills. The main interest of this study was to determine the performance of a sample of 53 volleyball players participating in different official women's volleyball competition. The variables studied are: category, anthropometric variables (body mass, height, endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy), upper body strength (throwing ball, measure the speed hitting without jump and with jump spike) and lower body strength (CMJ, ABK, DJ and jump spike). Statistical analysis consisted of a Shapiro-Wilks test, to determine the normality of the sample. The comparative analysis between categories was performed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) a factor. The results showed a significant positive increase in physical, technical and anthropometric characteristics of the players with the increased level of competition, and a better use of technical gestures, reflecting an increase in performance thereof.
其他摘要:Volleyball has been considered a highly complex sport because of their technical, tactical, physical, psychological and anthropometric factors requirements. Over the years there has been an increase in the homogeneity of the characteristics of volleyball players in high performance due to talent acquisition with similar skills. The main interest of this study was to determine the performance of a sample of 53 volleyball players participating in different official women's volleyball competition. The variables studied are: category, anthropometric variables (body mass, height, endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy), upper body strength (throwing ball, measure the speed hitting without jump and with jump spike) and lower body strength (CMJ, ABK, DJ and jump spike). Statistical analysis consisted of a Shapiro-Wilks test, to determine the normality of the sample. The comparative analysis between categories was performed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) a factor. The results showed a significant positive increase in physical, technical and anthropometric characteristics of the players with the increased level of competition, and a better use of technical gestures, reflecting an increase in performance thereof.